Monday, August 22, 2011

GUILD HALL IN THE HAMPTONS BRINGS ON THE STARS - Broadway To Vegas column - August 21, 2011,2011.html

Went to one of their events. Excellent.
Carter Turmisky

STAGE TRAGEDIES EMPHASIZE IMPORTANCE OF SAFETY - Broadway To Vegas column - August 21, 2011,2011.html

With all of the high tech equipment why can't the weather forecasters could do a better job of predicting these problems?

Chick Rafferty

Sunday, August 21, 2011

SPIDER-MAN DIRECTOR PHILIP WILLIAM McKINLEY TO HELM THE BIBLE - Broadway To Vegas column - August 21, 2011,2011.html

Great. Hope he gets a crowd. Maybe the show will encourage reading the book.
Peggy Claire Horsford
Oklahoma City

SHAKESPEARE GLOBE READS BIBLE - Broadway To Vegas column - August 21, 2011,2011.html

Bravo to Shakespeare Globe for doing this. Would be harder in America because of the diversity of religions and different Bible versions. In UK it's mostly Church of England. Easier to program a Bible reading.

Wes Ackley-Hobbs

Sunday, August 14, 2011