Monday, March 28, 2011

CHARLIE SHEEN ADDS MORE SHOWS - Broadway To Vegas column - March 27, 2011,2011.html

Maybe he's coming out of his 'manic phase' and going into a 'depression' stage, which for him would be acting like a 'normal' person. What happens if half way through his tour he flips out again?

Haki Cohen

XXX RATED LANGUAGE FOR THE BOOK OF MORMON - Broadway To Vegas column - March 27, 2011,2011.html

They could have done a G-rated version, but that isn't who these guys are. They're "South Park". They talk the way people talk in real life.
Parker Panneti

THE MEWS EXHIBIT IN LONDON - Broadway To Vegas column - March 27, 2011,2011.html

I went on that tour and had such a good time. I'm looking forward to William and Kate getting married. They seem to really be in love.

Joan Steetly-Olds

COULD SPIDER-MAN BENEFIT FROM BATES MOTEL HAUNTED HOUSE RULES? - Broadway To Vegas column - March 27, 2011,2011.html

During October I always hit every haunted house I can find.
. Never thought about any of that.

Milo Slaupek

Monday, March 7, 2011

ROYAL PATRONAGES IMPORTANT FOR BRITISH THEATRE - Broadway To Vegas column - March 6, 2011,2011.html

Last Friday HM Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were at Statford-upon-Avon, home to The Royal Shakespeare and Swan Theatres, where officially re-opened the refurbished theatre, met local dignitaries, then toured the theatre and met the actors.

Noel Pickley

THE ORCHID SHOW: ON BROADWAY AT THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDENS - Broadway To Vegas column - March 6, 2011,2011.html

Thank you so much Laura for posting our show on your site!

Sandra Finan

New York Botanical Gardens

BAKERSFIELD HOCKEY TEAM TO STAGE CHARLIE SHEEN NIGHT - Broadway To Vegas column - March 6, 2011,2011.html

Clever! Clean drug test, free ticket. Hope they play as well as they think up an attention getting promotion.

Brett Renclaw

CHARLIE SHEEN ACTS UP AND GAINS FOLLOWERS - Broadway To Vegas column - March 6, 2011,2011.html

As long as Charlie can pull in the ratings he'll have a job.

Pep Nelson

BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY SUPPORTS PERFORMING ARTS - Broadway To Vegas column - March 6, 2011,2011.html

The United Kingdom has the same kind of economic woes as America, yet they support the arts far better than American elected officials.

Stanley DiNapoli